Sunday, July 28, 2013


(Letting go of these thoughts and feelings)

Cruelty is in the disregard of another human.  Other human beings.
To be ignored and treated dismissively is painful and unfair.

It sucks the creative energy out of me and breeds bitterness as a consequence.

A horizon cannot exist without anyone to witness.  To be left alone.

Is untruthful and tiring when purpose is diminished and un-asscociated .

Pride is also tiring,
so is envy.

and so is a hot and cold shower in your swampy mist.

Friendship has no place when a man meets a woman like you.

Nothing is forever but this link is severed.
Gone out are the lights.

And deep under that swamp so many truths lie.
Fuck morals and rituals and heaviness.
no bliss in your presence. no happy in your vacant looks.

Though sometimes you still stare.

To not see me as myself but to leave me starving is a barren unlit landscape.   I am left to take it away.

Healing time is due too long.

Away the raven that parts us.  goodnight.