Monday, November 9, 2009

For London, for friends today..

Brighter than me,

If you watched the light gaze across each pore you wouldn’t see me in the reflection of each follicle, I believe in ships

That sail through me and bows that keep frogs happier than my tree which I plant and water with each planted starlight in the brains of the ground

Forgiving this but not staying to still, the wind shackling soft windows before the birght fire of the mid day burnt the night,

Why does it get dark at 4 past the minute past the minute stained the day, crossed the leaf and stole the water from the beak of the pelican recalling the distance from me to you

Across the sky

Calling the each pore again to still flee.

The hussle that than the city breathes clings to our nostrils and we dive in to the faint waters, that stumble the foot shores of people’s eyes

I am reflected in the gaze of the wind as are you in the sound of each siren.


